Deep Into Soul

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Connect to inner love with the Heart chakra

Do you feel loved, loving and lovable ? Do you love and accept fully the gorgeous person you are ? In this article, we will discover more about the love chakra, full of surprises and healing.

"The Way is not in the sky. The way is in the heart." Buddha

Location : Centre of chest.

Association : Love, self-love, forgiveness.

Colour : Usually seen as green or pink (do not forget we all perceive the world differently so if see yours a different colour, always trust yourself).

Crystals associated : Rose quartz, aventurine, malachite...

Essential oils : Rose for the power of its love, softness, calming, soothing and romantic properties.

Mantra : I love myself and the world entirely, wholly.

Lesson : Allowing ourselves to love and be loved. You can show compassion and forgiveness to the world, to yourself, and those around you.

Physical/ Mental issues associated : Heart diseases, lungs diseases, blood circulation, asthma…

Anahata, the heart chakra, is a lovely one to work with.

I would suggest to start working on self-love, then expand it. You are your own base, the beginning of your own universe, by focusing on loving, taking care of yourself the rest will follow.

You can balance this chakra by spending time with your loved ones, connect with nature and do some activities which will warmth your heart, bring you joy.

Put on your heart shaped glasses, observe your surroundings throught it and change your world !

The heart chakra is a beautiful invitation for us to come back to our inner self and build a different world, a simpler and more beautiful one.

Picture credit : Hernan Paccaura from pexel