Are you ready to empower yourself and shine?

It is now time for you to shine and
fully embody the bright soul that you are!


Are you on your healing and/or self development path and feel:

    • Stuck with repressed or misunderstood emotions and thoughts.

    • Not confident about what the future holds for you.

    • Lost and have a lack of clarity for your next step.

    • Alone and misunderstood because you chose a different path.

    • Tired of not seeing the end of healing your traumas.

    • Uncomfortable with sharing your new views and abilities.


  • Lost

  • Uncomfortable

  • Misunderstood

  • Overwhelmed



  • Confident

  • Empowered

  • Resilient

  • Supported

  • Flowing 


How I Work


 Crystal Healing

This is a gentle and natural therapy allowing us to become more aware of our own energy and blockages.

By matching the vibration of the crystals with our own energy centres, a cleansing is carried out as well as a balancing.

We then, can consciously take care of ourselves in a caring and loving way.

Each crystal has a specialty and a different "job", and provides the most appropriate care fulfilling the needs of the person at the time of healing.

Shamanic healing

Shamanism is spiritual practice which have been used for thousands of years, across the entire world to access the spiritual realm, healing and guidance.

The shaman is travelling through different worlds in the spiritual kingdom. He is dedicated to help others reconnect to their strenghts, inner treasures and magic.

Thanks to drumming, dancing and sounds, the shaman shifts his brain waves, enters a trance and goes on a journey in the spiritual realm.

Dream Therapy

The unconscious mind is a royal road for discovery and healing. By connecting with your dreams, you also connect to your creativity, your inner power.

Tame recurring nightmares, understand and modify the outcome for good, resolve certain uncomfortable situations and blockages by playing with the unconscious and become the conscious director of your life.

If you are ready to empower yourself and reprogram your brain for a better life, dream therapy is for you!
Pauline was a previous client who Charlotte supported with holistic therapies. Deep into soul.

I wanted to post a message to recommend you Charlotte’s energy healings. I called her twice in barely a month. The first time out of curiosity. I had feelings, messages and a real well being afterwards.

I called her a second time after a painful event. Not only did she listen and boost me up but also worked where it was painful. I felt appeasement, calm and acceptance after the healing.

Humanly, Charlotte is a person with a big heart, she shines. Her messages are benevolent, she is very attentive to her clients. For my part, I felt reassured, supported. She shares a lot and wants to create good and well- being. I spent two wonderful moments in her company. I recommend her to you 10000%.

I already know I will call her again myself.

Thank you Charlotte for what you brought me !

Pauline C

Individual spaces

Collective spaces


 If you are ready for this wonderful journey towards inner healing, understanding and shining, I would love to hear from you!

Request your free 30 minutes call, so we can get to know each other and see if working together could be a good fit!


 Let me know which package you are interested in and a little bit more about you


Add in text of when they can expect to receive a reply from you

Now book your free 30 minutes call so we can
get to know each other !


For years, I have been a very unhealthy teenager and adult. My passion for personal development and resilience allowed me to explore my own shadows, shift them into strong assets.

My story through trauma, illness and grief helped me become aware of my gorgeous light, infinite potential and beautiful darkness.

Ready to conquer the world with this new strength, I created Deep into soul healing to help people dive into their potential too!

Spiritual and self development really do not have to be struggles, tears and blood!

No, no, no my friend… It can also be lived simply, gently and lovingly!

Charlotte from Deep into soul service page Deep into soul.



+ Who do you work with?

I work with the beautiful souls who are serious about their well-being, healing and growth. If you wish to work with me, you will need to invest yourself in the process, be open, willing to grow, confront yourself and connect with your shiny light as well as your gorgeous shadows.

+ Do you do in person sessions?

I do in person session but also remote sessions for the souls who prefer to stay in their home's comfort.

+ I am really interested in the supports, is the 30 minutes free call mandatory?

Yes. When it comes to therapy, self development and energy healing, I truly believe that intuition and perceptions are essential. This call will allow us to get to know each other, see if we are a good match to work together and prevent you from losing your time as well as mine!

+ Dream therapy sounds amazing but I do not dream!

I get this one so often! Do not worry, I got you. We all dream at night (and multiple times!). Recalling your dreams requires a bit of practice but is very easy! We will of course chat about this during the free call!

+ What am I suppose to do while receiving a distant energy healing ?

Absolutely nothing ! This is a time for you, only you. I often advise my clients to take a bath, meditate, journal or get creative. It is really up to you as long as you are in a quiet space.

+ What will I feel or experience during energy healing?

It really depends on you, your perceptions, your experiences and your relaxation. Some people will have a visual experiences and see colours, lights, images... Others will have sensations such as tingling, change in temperature, pressures... Emotions and thoughts will also be part of the process, may it be pleasant or not, always allow yourself to welcome them with love. Finally some persons will not experience anything at a conscious level which is absolutely fine too. The only thing I recommend is do not pressure yourself to experience anything !

+ What about payment ?

Investing in yourself, your healing and well being should be a priority. However, we also have other financial priorities. Be aware that payment plans are available for "Unlock your dream's potential". A non refundable deposit of 50 pounds will be asked to secure your spot and take the first step towards committing to your well-being. Also note, that if you are a student or on low income, you can receive a discount of 15% on support, crystal healing and shamanic practices.


Imagine yourself confident, radiant, empowered, flowing with abundance and acceptance of yourself!

Charlotte is adorable, considerate and very attentive.

She supported me for about 6 months, with one healing per month, including the things I had to work on as well as accepting the person I am and my abilities.

She helped me to gain self-confidence and understanding.

If you want a gentle healing with innate benevolence, I can only recommend Charlotte.

Célia B.
Imagine yourself aware of your shadows and at peace with them (would I dare to say “even love them fully? )

Imagine being content with your place within this world.

This place you created and held for yourself!

You DESERVE it and so much more!!

Jump in your swimsuits and dive with me!

Book your 30 minutes free call now!